Prexmas mug for sale!
Support indie filmmaking and buy a nice mug for you or order for your friend. Special price in May 2023.
Movie and documentary production company located in Helsinki.
Support indie filmmaking and buy a nice mug for you or order for your friend. Special price in May 2023.
Use code “X21” and get 20% discount shopwide! Code valid until the end of this year (East-European time zone). Now, exactly now on this minute, it is Winter solstice, which is the shortest day of the year in Northern hemisphere. In Helsinki lenght of the day is 5 hours 49 minutes, read more at
June discount -10%! Order products worth of minimum 25 euro and use code june21 to get 10% discount. Fridge magnets, mugs, posters. By ordering you help us funding our future projects. Code valid until Sunday 20.6.2021.
Mugs and fridge magnets are here! Order from and support the funding our first feature action film! Mug discounts are available until May 31st 2021.
Avesome discounts available. Posters (framed or unframed) available immediately, fridge magnets and mugs are on the way to us, but can be ordered already from: and use the code grandopening to get an extra -20% discount (code available until 30.4.2021).
We are opening a webshop soon! Stay tuned and follow us on social media to receive news about grand opening and discount code!